Get the Right Coverage

Protect yourself without overpaying for car insurance.

Key things to consider:

  • Liability Coverage
  • Uninsured Drivers
  • Accident and Vehicle Damage
  • Towing and Rental Car Reimbursement

What your auto insurance should cover:

Liability Coverage

Covers injuries or damages to third parties and their property when you are liable for the accident.

Medical Payment

Covers medical bills and even funeral costs after an accident occurs.


Covers your vehicle after it hits another vehicle, a stationary object or even a pothole.

Personaly Injuiry

Covers medical bills tied to a car accident, plus funeral costs, lost wages and childcare expenses.


Covers damage to your vehicle caused by animals, fire, natural disasters, theft or vandalism.

Uninsured Motorist

Covers damages to your vehicle caused by a driver who doesn’t have any or enough liability coverage.

Get a quote for auto Insurance .


Auto Insurance Discounts

Did you know that you can reduce your auto insurance bill by getting discounts?

Below are some of the most common discounts that can help you save money on your bill.

  • Consumer Loyalty (Bundling, early renewal, multi-car, loyalty)
  • Demographic (Good student, home-owner, low income, senior)
  • Driver Affiliates (Affiliations, emergency roadside assistance, miltary discounts)
  • Driving History (Accident free, good/ safe driver, usage/ low miles)
  • Driver training (Defensive driver course)
  • Equipment Related (Anti-lock brakes, anti-theft, green/ hybrid, new car, safety/ restraint)
  • Payment (Auto pay, pay in full, paperless billing)

Auto Insurance discount help you save!

Below are 3 of the most common discounts that drivers can qualify for. Note that car insurance discounts may vary by state, vehicle, driving record, credit history and other factors.

Student Discounts

Drivers who qualify for student discounts can typically see saving of 15%+.


Homeowners can typically save around 7% on their car insurance rates.

Safety Discounts

Having a clean driving history can save you 20%+ on car insurance rates.

Get an online quote today and start saving on your auto insurance.

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Getting An Auto Insurance Quote

Getting a quote on car insurance is easy! Just answer a few basic questions and we will match you with agents who can provide you with a low rate on your car insurance.

The Insurance Quote Process


Fill out your information.

Answer a few basic questions about yourself, it’s just that easy.


Fill out information about your car.

This will help to ensure that you are getting the best rate possible.


Fill out driver information.

This is importnat for being able to provide low rates.


Show us Your discounts.

This will enable our agents to search for applicable discounts.

get a quote

What you will need to get an online quote

Licence Plate

Your license plate is needed for an online quote.


VINs are usually found on your registration or on the dash of the car.

Driver license Number

Make sure that you have your driver’s license.

Current Insurance Info

This is important for our agents

Purchase Date

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Advantage of Peace Insurance Agent

Lorem Ipsum as their default model text and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. various versions have evolved over the years sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose always free from repetition injected humour or non-characteristic words etc.

Maximized Savings

The generated lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition injected humo non-characteristic words etc simple dummy content.

Claim Assistance

The generated lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition injected humo non-characteristic words etc simple dummy content.

Explaining your coverage

Nulla mollis ligula diam, ac vulputate nunc facilisis et. Suspendisse tempor tortor molestie arcu pellentesque, eget porttitor nibh maximus.

Quality Coverage

Proin posuere sapien vitae erat ultrices fermentum urabitur nec gravida urna aauctor neque roin blandit imperdiet bibendum.

Personal Support

Sed elit nulla, congue ut diam quis, malesuada congue orci. Duis pretium egestas elit, ac dignissim ipsum interdum quis.

Finding discounts

Sed elit nulla, congue ut diam quis, malesuada congue orci. Duis pretium egestas elit, ac dignissim ipsum interdum quis.

Find the right independent insurance agent to assist you with all your insurance needs.


Why peace insurance agent ?

Lorem Ipsum as their default model text and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. various versions have evolved over the years sometimes by accident sometimes on purpose always free from repetition injected humour or non-characteristic words etc.

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  • Suspendisse volutpat risus a auctor eleifend.
  • Suspendisse interdum velit sit amet vestibulum ultrices.
  • Praesent molestie nibh pretium, rhoncus nibh eu, gravida tortor.
  • Suspendisse consectetur ex molestie, vulputate purus vitae, placerat diam.
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